Patient Participation Group


The Allum Practice have an established Patient Participation Group.  This Group consists of volunteer patients who contribute some of their time to the development of the Practice.

About the PPG

The aim of the Group is to hold monthly meetings to promote co-operation and strengthen communication between the Practice, patients and the wider community for the benefit of all.  It will be a forum for constructive discussion in areas such as health, improvement of services and other topics determined by the Group.

Our Practice has an active patient group with over 12 members. The PPG operates on a voluntary basis, meeting every three months with members, a GP partner and members of the management team.  During these meetings, we discuss patient-related issues and encourage patients to take an active interest in their healthcare.

The National Association of Patient Participation lists the following aims and objectives of a PPG

  • Giving patient and health professionals the opportunity to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest.
  • Providing a means for patients to make positive suggestions about the Practice and their own health care
  • Encouraging health education activities within the Practice
  • Developing self-help projects to meet the needs of fellow patients

Further information can be obtained from the PPG notice board in the Allum reception area where contact details are available. If you have any subject that you would like to discuss please contact Paul Doherty (PPG Chair) via The Allum reception.

Latest PPG Minutes

  • Date: Tuesday 25th March 2024
  • Present: Dr Surinder Seehra, Gill Charters, Fiona Davison, Veronica Linday-Addy, Keith McCarthy, Paul Doherty, Willard McCarty, Amy Aburadawan, Atif Riaz, Chizzy Akudolu
  • Apologies: Sundara Suhasini

The Meeting opened with Dr Seehra welcoming all to the new PPG Group 2024.

Brief introductions were made as follows:-

  • Dr Seehra - GP/Partner at The Allum
  • Gill Charters - Governance Lead at The Allum
  • Fiona - retired patient
  • Veronica - a patient and carer of an adult daughter and has interests in art trails
  • Willard - a patient for 27 years and a semi-retired professor at Kings College London
  • Keith - long term retired patient who likes to play golf
  • Paul - a Headteacher at Trinity Catholic High School – writes novels which involve ‘plotting murders’ !
  • Amy - Patient since 1996 and was a past Chair of Allum PPG
  • Atif - Patient who looks after his family and is interested in ‘patient experience’
  • Chizzy - long term patient and Actor

Dr Seehra went on to explain the purpose and the function of the PPG.  All participants were sent the ‘Allum Patient Participation Group Purpose and Function’ which outlines the aims, objectives, ways of working and limitations.  All attendees were in agreement of these.

The main vision/objective of the PPG was agreed as follows:-

  • Improve patient experience
  • Critical friend to the Allum and wider NHS
  • Not talk about medical issues or grievances
  • Collaborative working
  • Members to remain polite and objective throughout Meetings and respecting other members

Atif talked about Access.  Dr Seehra explained that this has improved over the last few months as we were doing everything possible to help patients obtain access to the Allum.

Fiona and Veronica talked about virtual appointments and face-to-face appointments. Dr Seehra explained that virtual appointments have now been replaced with triage appointments whereby a clinician will always call the patient first. If the clinician feels that they need to see the patient they will call them in for a face to face appointment. He also explained that no clinician should refuse a face to face appointment if the patient wishes for one.  We are always looking at more efficient ways of working.

Willard said that it was shame that a patient does not always have a continuity of a doctor.  Dr Seehra said that we are always trying to achieve a better way of working and talked about eConsult available on our website.

The main purpose of today’s meeting was to elect an ‘interim’ Chair and Secretary of the PPG.  Paul put himself forward as Chair and Willard as Secretary – Everyone in the meeting was happy with this and it was agreed.

Willard to put forward next Agenda collaborating with Paul for next meeting and email to participants - Monday 10th June 2024.





Next Meeting

Monday 10th June 2024 at 4pm hours at The Allum Medical Centre