Patient Participation Group


The Allum Practice have an established Patient Participation Group.  This Group consists of volunteer patients who contribute some of their time to the development of the Practice.

About the PPG

The aim of the Group is to hold monthly meetings to promote co-operation and strengthen communication between the Practice, patients and the wider community for the benefit of all.  It will be a forum for constructive discussion in areas such as health, improvement of services and other topics determined by the Group.

Our Practice has an active patient group with over 12 members. The PPG operates on a voluntary basis, meeting every three months with members, a GP partner and members of the management team.  During these meetings, we discuss patient-related issues and encourage patients to take an active interest in their healthcare.

The National Association of Patient Participation lists the following aims and objectives of a PPG

  • Giving patient and health professionals the opportunity to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest.
  • Providing a means for patients to make positive suggestions about the Practice and their own health care
  • Encouraging health education activities within the Practice
  • Developing self-help projects to meet the needs of fellow patients

Further information can be obtained from the PPG notice board in the Allum reception area where contact details are available. If you have any subject that you would like to discuss please contact Paul Doherty (PPG Chair) via The Allum reception.

Latest PPG Minutes

  • Date: 2nd December 2024
  • Present: Paul Doherty - Chair, Willard McCarty - Secretary, Dr Surinder Seehra, Gill Charters, Veronica Linday-Addy, Fiona Davison, Keith McCarthy, Atif Riaz, Rukaiya Moola
  • Apologies: Vaish Sheth, Amy Aburadawan, Sundara Suhasini, Donna Naran

Paul opened the Meeting welcoming everyone.

Apologies for absence: Vaish Sheth, Amy Aburadawan & Donna Naran 

The Minutes of the last meeting were distributed and seconded.  It was agreed that these would be published on the Allum website for patients to see. 

The discussion of website development was addressed.  Donna Naran (PM) was not at the meeting but confirmed that this was work in progress. 

Veronica wanted validation/confirmation on telephone appointments.  Her concern was that if you do not answer the first call from a doctor would you be called again? 

Dr Seehra confirmed that all doctors should contact patients twice.  He did also state there is a variability the way GPs work.

Gill talked about the new telephone system in place.  There is now a facility that patient’s will keep their place in the queue and have the opportunity to be called automatically back.  Gill states that this has proven to be very popular with the patients.

Atif had produced a patient questionnaire/survey for the PPG to give to patients.  Dr Seehra said that we could not give them access to patient’s information because of confidentiality and data protection but we would welcome the PPG to produce a more condensed questionnaire with maybe room for patient’s comments and we would help in anyway that we could i.e. photocopying the surveys for reception staff to give to patients, providing a ‘survey box’ in reception and also open to PPG members coming into the Surgery and meeting patients.  Fiona said that she would be happy to do this at staggered times – Gill said that she would be happy to help. 

It was agreed that Atif would work on the next questionnaire and bring to next meeting or forward to Gill. 

Gill said that Donna (PM) was eager for PPG members to be more pro-active as a Group and members agreed with this. 

Fiona asked about Covid jabs and flu jabs at the surgery. 

Dr Seehra explained that we do give the flu vaccinations at the Surgery but the reason that we do not do the Covid jabs anymore is that these vaccines come in phials that have to be drawn and have to be operated in specialist clinics and dedicated staff.   Gill said that patients can call 119 or check on line for their nearest covid clinic. 

Willard was concerned about patient/doctor relationship. 

Dr Seehra talked at length about the importance of a compassionate Practice with ongoing education for all clinicians.   It was agreed that all clinicians deal with all issues in general practice and that some are ‘set in their own way’ of dealing with issues but the objective is always the same to achieve good patient/doctor relationships.  It was recognised that some patients prefer certain clinicians but that was due to connection. 



It was also mentioned that there is not a current list in reception of all Clinicians.  This was agreed to be rectified by Gill. 

The Meeting closed at 5:45pm.


Next Meeting

Monday 3rd March 2025 at 4:00pm at The Allum Medical Centre